Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Holiday Prepositional Phrases!

This week my minilesson for writing was prepositional phrases! My students need to focus on adding more detail to their writing so I thought I'd create my own packet. I created a product that I used for my minilesson and also for reference posters to place in my classroom. I also used this Holiday Prepositional Phrases packet alongside my Snowmen at Christmas writing activity. First, here is what is included in my Holiday Prepositional Phrases Packet....

Snowmen at Christmas Writing Activity

I also created a writing activity to go along with the popular story, Snowmen at Christmas. I read the story and had the students write about what they thought the snowmen did in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve. I wanted to help my students with the brainstorming process, so I created a planning board sheet and a prepositional phrase planning sheet.
After reading the story, my students began to plan their beginning, middle, and end of their stories...including some transitions that they could use. We had previously gone over different transitions to use at different parts in their stories.

Then the students thought of some prepositional phrases that they could use in their writing and recorded them. I think having these things already planned out will help them with their final writing on Friday.

 I also made this cute writing paper for their final story! :)

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff all the time!!! Txs for sharing


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