Thursday, November 17, 2011

Glogs Galore!!

Technology craze!!!

My campus has been pushing technology like CRAZY since last year!! We are actually a pilot school this year for our district. Students in the 2nd-5th grade are allowed and encouraged to bring smart phones, ipads, laptops to school! They are incorporating some serious technology into the everyday classrooom routines. You can even earn a "technology t-shirt" to wear with jeans once a week if you show that you are enhancing your curriculum with technology! 

Being that I am in first grade, I don't have to deal with first graders dragging in such technological devices. Thank GOSH! Seriously-- first grade is a little early to start the iphones, ipads, and laptops!
BUT.. one of our trainings from the beginning of the year really encouraged using glogster. So, I set up a glogster website for each of my students. This has been super super cool so far. We take trips to the computer lab so that the students can reflect on their learning and create a piece of technology to post on their glog. Now, I do have some students that are more capable of completing these tasks than others but they all love it and it really helps them think about their thinking (metacognition teehee)!

They also use:
*flip videos to record themselves during math stations and literacy stations to show their learning.
*Smart Notebook software to draw, video, and voice over their product! Those get posted on their glogs as well!

Some of them are SO stinkin' cute when they record themselves! They use their cute "teacher" voices. It just makes me giggle!

Here is a link to my class webpage. You can then click on the "Student Glogs" link. On that page, you can search through my students' glogs. There are a few that have more products uploaded than others. Some good ones to take a peek at are Alex, Brandon, Natalia, Victoria, and Charlotte.
I've been a little bit of a slacker of uploading the videos from my flip video recently but we are getting back into the swing of things! is awe-some and a great way to connect the classroom to home and other people and places around the world!! My parents LOVE being able to see what the kids are doing in the classroom.

We are taking a trip to the lab tomorrow! I have a feeling we will have some new and fun things added to their glogs by the end of tomorrow!

Just wanted to share! :)



  1. Dont give up! I enjoy your blog and ideas! Keep up the great job!

  2. How do you set it up so your students reflect on their learning on their glog? Do they do preparations prior to going to the computer lab? Would love more information so I can incorporate it with my firsties! :)


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